Our mission is to provide the utmost in expert advice, friendly service and custom solutions to help patients live healthy lives. Our staff is dedicated to helping people make the best decisions for their health, pleasantly and efficiently. We pride ourselves as innovators in the community, working with patients and health care providers alike. We are also industry leaders in the art and science of custom compounding and individualized health care solutions, with our own state-of-the-art compounding laboratory and a team of highly trained compounding pharmacists. Through continuing education, compassionate employees and excellent rapport with our local providers we can truly say we specialize in solving medical problems with pharmacy solutions.
We believe that as a customer, you are entitled to focused, personal attention; quick response to any concerns that may arise; and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are working with experienced pharmacy compounding professionals. The staff of PURE Compounding takes great pride in preparing the highest quality compounded medications made specifically to meet your individual needs. We are dedicated to helping others and serve our community.
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P: 843.293.7979
F: 843. 293.6499
3072 Dick Pond Rd #2
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
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